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Routine Mtnce
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In order to preserve your Imps reliability and to keep it in first-class running order, it is essential that lubrication and maintenance are carried out according to the manufacturers' recommendations. This applies to cars of all ages and, only too often, becomes neglected after the vehicle has changed hands. There is more to maintenance than just topping up the oil and water before a long journey. Even today with the wide use of self-lubricating bearings, some parts of the car must have regular lubrication, whilst regular cleaning and setting of such things as sparking plugs and contact points gives them longer life and improved performance. The oil filter plays a very important part in engine life; always change it before it gets completely clogged up and contaminates the oil galleries. Tyre life is improved by regularly changing round the wheels in the approved manner, i.e. diagonally, bringing in the spare every 5,000 miles. A few spots of oil or grease on such things as door and boot locks and hinges makes them much less prone to wear. All these things, and many more besides, count towards keeping a car in perfect condition.

Maintenance schedules listed below give the attention required at the recommended mileage intervals, clearly these may not be relavent to most Imps these days but these activities must still be completed and NOT forgotten.

Weekly or every 250 Miles

Check oil level in sump.
Check water level in radiator (preferablyrecommended to use De Ionised water).
Check tyre pressures, including spare.
Check level of electrolyte in battery (unless sealed unit).
Check fluid level in master cylinder reservoir for brakes and clutch.

Every 5,000 Miles

Drain engine sump (when hot) and refill with fresh oil.
Renew engine oil filter element.
Check water-pump bracket and mounting bolts for tightness.
Clean fuel-pump filter and sediment chamber.

Examine engine and transmission casse for oil leaks.
Adjust engine idling if necessary.
Check radiator for external cleanliness and blowout dirt.
Check fluid level in reservoir for brake and clutch master cylinders.
Check brakes, adjust and test if necessary, including handbrake.
Inspect hydraulic pipe connections for leaks.
Remove sparking plugs, clean and reset gaps.
Oil distributor automatic-timing mechanism, grease cam profile, oil moving-contact pivot, distributor shaft and cam bearing.
Check contact-breaker gap, clean and adjust if necessary and check ignition timing.
Lubricate dynamo rear bearing.
Check oil level in transaxle unit and top-up if necessary.
Check tightness of steering rack-and-pinion mounting bolts.
Examine steering unit for oil leaks.
Check outer column securing bolts and inner pinion clamp bolt for tightness.
Check front and rear suspension pivot bolts and mounting to floor bolts for tightness.
Oil door locks, strikers and hinges, engine and luggage compartment lid hinges and locks.
Oil rear window hinges.
Clean drain holes in lower edge of each door.
Change position of wheels (front to rear) fit the spare and examine tyres for damage or abnormal wear.
Adjust tyre pressures.

Every 10,000 Miles

As 5,000 mile service plus the following:
Renew filter on engine crankcase breather.
Renew sparking plugs.

Every 15,000 Miles

As 5,000 mile service plus the following:
Renew engine air-cleaner element.
Check starter motor securing bolts for tightness.
Drain transaxle unit (transmission case) and fill with fresh oil (do this when warm).

Every 30,000 Miles

As 15,000 mile service plus the following:

Inspect inner universal joints of drive shafts for damage or deterioration.

Six-monthly Inspection

The following inspections and adjustments are more usefully carried out on a time, rather than a mileage, basis:

Drain, flush and refill cooling system. Run engine with heater bleed tap open to clear any air locks in heater system
Inspect water hoses.
Check fan-cowl gaiter for tightness.
Inspect fan belt, adjust or renew if necessary.
Clean carburetter.
Clean battery terminals and smear with silicone grease.
Check all lamps for correct operation, including stop/tail, flashers and facia panel.
Check condition of windscreen wiper blades and operation of washer (if fitted).
Remove brake drums, blowout dust and inspect linings.
Examine handbrake cable.
Inspect tyres for wear and possible damage.
Check front wheel toe-in and ball-joint alignment.
Check and oil window winders and seat slides, adjustment linkage, etc.
Thoroughly clean underside of body and wings.


(c) Andy Smith 2024